
Waterproofing & Roofing Association Cape

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“Where businesses come together”

WARAC is dedicated to the promotion, support and protection of the common interests of Specifying Authorities, Clients, Contractors and Manufacturers to ensure professionalism, integrity as well reliability within the waterproofing and roofing industry.

WARAC is committed to the upliftment of the industry as a whole and is dedicated to the promotion, support and protection of all stakeholders.


Why be part of WARAC?

As an industry member, you will be assured that you are a part of an organisation that drives legal compliance and fair opportunities for members, while establishing confidence in the market.

WARAC offers an uncompromised and ethical environment in which members can be confident that they are operating in a highly regulated and controlled industry, which offers them opportunities that they would not otherwise have received.

To avoid unnecessary risks as a client, get your potential contractor to fill in the form below before awarding contracts to ensure that his disasters don’t become yours. Click here to download

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Contact US

Email: info@warac.co.za

PO Box: 5714, Tygervalley 7536